Objective To explore the features of benign and malignant prostate nodules based on the transrectal contrast-enhanced ultrasound ( CEUS) and transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy pathological findings. 目的应用经直肠超声造影及穿刺活检病理分析,探讨前列腺良恶性结节的超声造影特点。
In3 cases, SRY detection in gonadal tissue correlated with pathological findings but not with blood karyotype. 有3例患者SRY基因检测与性腺病理吻合,而与外周血白细胞染色体核型不符。
The pathological findings of a alpaca died of illness was observed. 对一例因病死亡羊驼的病理变化进行了详细的观察,并对其死亡原因进行了分析。
The Correlation between MDCT and Pathological Findings of HCC after RFA Therapy: Experimental and Clinical Study 肝癌射频消融术后MDCT评价与病理表现的对照研究:动物实验与临床
Based on radiographic and pathological findings of a biopsy of the fracture site, metastatic testicular cancer was confirmed. 基于骨折处之影像学及病理切片检查确定为转移之?丸癌。
The Pathological Findings of an Alpaca Died of Illness and its Causes 一例死亡羊驼的病理变化及死因分析因传染病而成群死掉
According to the clinical and pathological findings, TMEP was diagnosed. Vipers are distinguishable from other snakes by their markings. 根据临床及病理的表现,其诊断为持久性斑状微血管扩张症。根据蛇身上的斑纹就能把┹蛇同其他蛇类区别开来。
A comparative study of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and pathological findings of liver fibrosis in rabbits 肝纤维化MR弥散加权成像与病理的对照研究
Radiological analysis of pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma correlated with clinical and pathological findings 肺肉瘤样癌的影像学表现及临床病理分析
The tumor was thoroughly resected during the operation and the safety limit was determined according to the pathological findings of the cutting edge. 肿瘤手术切缘状况与肿瘤复发、患者生存率相关,但安全手术切缘的界定标准尚有待统一;
A comparative study among CT, MR imagings and pathological findings in primary lymphoma of brain 原发性脑淋巴瘤的CT、MRI表现与病理对照研究
Also the pulmonary artery embolism occurrence, typ and mechanism for sudden death are discussed based on their symptoms and pathological findings. 结合病例对肺动脉栓塞的种类及发生、猝死发生的机理等方面进行了较为深入的病理学分析。
Comparative Analysis of CT Features of Esophageal Sarcomatoid Carcinoma with Pathological Findings 食管癌肉瘤影像学表现与病理对照分析
Puropose To study the relationship between imaging manifestation of lung papillary carcinoma and its pathological findings. 目的分析肺乳头状腺癌影像学表现与病理组织学基础之间的关系。
Radiographic studies and pathological findings are demonstrated as well. 其放射学检查及病理切片结果亦呈现典型的肺肿瘤栓塞变化。
Atypical magnetic resonance imaging vs pathological findings of leiomyoma in the female reproductive system 生殖系统平滑肌瘤的不典型MR表现与病理对照分析
Methods Features of ABVS images of48 patients of breast cancer confirmed with pathology were retrospectively analyzed and compared with surgical and pathological findings. 方法对手术后病理证实的48个乳腺恶性肿瘤的ABVS图像进行回顾性分析,探讨其成像特点,并与手术和病理结果进行对照分析。
Objective To analyze the clinical features, imaging manifestation, pathological findings, endoscopic findings and treatment regimen of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome ( PJS). 目的探讨黑斑息肉病的临床、影像、病理和内镜表现和治疗对策。
Objective: To analyze the CT features of peripheral neurilemoma and the relationship between CT features and pathological findings. 目的:分析周围神经鞘瘤的CT表现,探讨其CT征象与病理组织学关系。
The characteristics of SPTM in dynamic scan were analyzed and compared with pathological findings. 分析总结了SPTM的强化特点及形态学特点,并与病理学改变进行对照研究。
Suprathreshold lesions and pathological findings were described. 文中描述超阈值大剂量照射损伤表现及病理所见。
The results of MR signal intensities and pathological findings were correl-atively described in23 cases of spinal neurinomas. 本文对23例椎管内神经鞘瘤的MR信号及病理所见进行了分析和对比。
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed CT and MRI appearances, operative and pathological findings of 12 cases with ACA. 方法:回顾分析12例颅内非典型海绵状血管瘤的CT和MRI,并与手术病理进行对照。
There were no relationship between clinical atypical manifestations and pathological findings. 这些不典型表现与实验室检查与其病理无密切关系。
The image features were analyzed according to Nauta and were compared with operative and pathological findings. 分析所有的CT和MRI资料,结合手术和病理结果,采用Nauta分型进行分析。
Objective To study pathological findings of deep cerebral venous thrombosis ( DCVT) in2 cases. 目的分析脑深静脉血栓形成(DCVT)的临床和病理特点。
Methods We analyzed the clinical features of three patients with tumor-like demyelination diseases, and observed the pathological findings in brain biopsy by histological and immunohistochemical methods. 方法对3例肿瘤样脱髓鞘病患者的临床特征进行了分析,并对活检脑组织进行了组织病理学和免疫组化研究。